Sunday, August 24, 2008

Colby update

Just a quick update on Colby. He is doing great! He is up to 4lbs 9oz's, has advanced to the least level of care in the intensive care nursery, is maintaining his body temp and is in a modified open air crib (as of today). He is simply labeled a "grower and feeder," which means he just needs to grow some more and learn how to suckle stronger so he can eat on his own (he still has a feeding tube, which is supplying the vast majority of his nourishment). Being 2 mos premature, this is expected, as he is not quite big and strong enough to get all the food he needs.

There is no set time table for his release from the hospital, since no one knows when he will be be strong enough to eat "for himself." Best guess is two or three weeks if he continues on the track he is on.

Jennifer is doing pretty good, considering everything. Her recovery from the C section is going smoothly, and being able to do some "light tasks" is very good for her after 4 mos of modified and hospital bed rest. However, both of us are still devastated by the loss of little Gavin, and are still on a roller coaster of emotions and will be for quite some time. We are thankfully resting well and eating well, so we can be ready for Colby's arrival home. We are spending alot of time with Colby, which helps the both of us (actually, the three of us).

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